How to Wear Sulemani stone?


Sulemani stone is a stone that enhances the Mooladhara Chakra and enhances rational, analytical thinking. It is considered a powerful protection stone, and is also edible. Wearing it will make you feel confident and will keep negative energy away.

Sulemani Hakik is a powerful protection stone

Sulemani Hakik is regarded as a powerful protection stone and is very effective in warding off evil eye and black magic. It also helps remove negative thoughts, confusion and depression. This gemstone is also helpful in healing from illness and provides spiritual growth. It is also used in meditation and crystal healing practices.

The Hakik is a powerful protective stone that can be worn by both men and women. It helps control negative thoughts and encourages spirituality and self-confidence. It can be used as a pendant or ring. It is also used to cure pain and muscle joint problems.

Sulemani Hakik is renowned for its transcendental qualities. It has been used for centuries to help people turn their fortunes. It is revered by Muslims and Hindus as a powerful protection stone. It helps remove the negative influences of Rahu grah and Saturn. It also increases one's focus and helps to improve one's sleep cycle.

It is a gemstone for Mooladhara Chakra

Sulemani Hakik is regarded as a valuable gemstone for Mooladhara Chakra, as it balances both the heart and the mind, and improves judgment abilities. It is also said to protect against evil eyes and spirits. It increases one's self-esteem and enhances their ability to attract others.

It is used to ground and stabilize the aura. It is a powerful balancing stone for the Mooladhara Chakra and is excellent for creating a strong connection with the earth. It is also said to calm sexual tension and marital disputes. It also helps heal the skin and cures skin problems.

When to Wear a sulemani stone - know from ratanrashi

Agate is a natural stone that originates from the Achates river in Sicily. It was discovered by Greek philosophers over three centuries ago and has since been used in talismans. It is available in various colours. The size and weight of the stone determines its quality. Brighter colours indicate a high quality stone.

It is edible

Sulemani Hakik, commonly known as Akik, is a semi-precious gemstone that is widely used by astrologers to negate the effects of Rahu and Ketu. It is black in color with very few visible lines, and is said to protect you from the Evil Eye, increase your physical strength, and balance your horoscope. Moreover, it is said to increase your focus and performance at work, and is an excellent gemstone for a person who strives to achieve success.

Hakik comes in black and green varieties. The green variety is used for purification, while the black variety is for protection against evil eye. The stone also helps you fight stress, boosts sexual power, and improves your overall health and well-being. The stone can even be used by newborn babies and pregnant women. It is also said to be beneficial for curing rheumatic and muscle joint pain.

Buy Sulemani certified gemstone from ratanrashi at best price Sulemani Hakik  is a stone with transcendental qualities that has been used for centuries to improve fortune. Muslims and Hindus worship this stone with reverence. The stone's powers help the wearer to overcome bad karma and achieve success.


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